Rapid Groom Livestock Horse Vacuum


SKU: ECRG Category:


Rapid Groom Horse Vacuum

Rapid Groom Horse Vacuum removes dirt, dandruff, and parasites leaving hair smooth & lustrous. The Rapid Groom livestock vac does the work, ends hand grooming, and animals really enjoy it. Your horse will look better, feel better, and leaves the natural oils for a shiny lustrous coat.

  • Portable & powerful for thorough grooming power.
  • Features a 2-speed, 120 volt turbine-motor for complete animal grooming. This unit provides maximum power (100″ waterlift vacuum) for body hair, and 60″ waterlift for legs & sensitive areas.
  • 18 gauge steel body.
  • 3″ wheels

In the event your Rapid Groom Horse Vacuum may need to be repaired or serviced, we recommend using our service center to assist with your product repairs. We highly recommend routine maintenance on your products. If you need knowledgeable advice about your product we urge you to call.

Quality Workmanship
The average length of service by manufacturing and assembly employees is 15 years. They are experienced and care about the quality of their work.

Pledge of Service
The company feels strongly about the design and construction of these units perfected with over thirty years of experience in design / production of grooming equipment. Should you experience a problem with equipment, return the unit promptly and we’ll repair it.

Additional information

Weight 33 lbs
Dimensions 24 × 19 × 12 in